const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const request = require('request');
const analyticsURI = "analyticsapi.zoho.com";
const accountsURI = "accounts.zoho.com";
const clientVersion = "2.6.0";
class AnalyticsClient
constructor(clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken)
this.clientId = clientId;
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
this.refreshToken = refreshToken;
this.accessToken = null;
* Returns list of all accessible organizations.
* @method getOrgs
* @returns {JSONArray} Organization list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getOrgs()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/orgs";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.orgs;
* Returns list of all accessible workspaces.
* @method getWorkspaces
* @returns {JSONArray} Workspace list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getWorkspaces()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result;
* Returns list of owned workspaces.
* @method getOwnedWorkspaces
* @returns {JSONArray} Workspace list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getOwnedWorkspaces()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces/owned";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.workspaces;
* Returns list of shared workspaces.
* @method getSharedWorkspaces
* @returns {JSONArray} Workspace list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSharedWorkspaces(config={})
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces/shared";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.workspaces;
* Returns list of recently accessed views.
* @method getRecentViews
* @returns {JSONArray} View list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getRecentViews()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/recentviews";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.views;
* Returns list of all accessible dashboards.
* @method getDashboards
* @returns {JSONArray} Dashboard list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getDashboards()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/dashboards";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result;
* Returns list of owned dashboards.
* @method getOwnedDashboards
* @returns {JSONArray} Dashboard list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getOwnedDashboards()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/dashboards/owned";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.views;
* Returns list of shared dashboards.
* @method getSharedDashboards
* @returns {JSONArray} Dashboard list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSharedDashboards()
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/dashboards/shared";
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.views;
* Returns details of the specified workspace.
* @method getWorkspaceDetails
* @param {String} workspaceId - The ID of the workspace.
* @returns {Object} Workspace details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getWorkspaceDetails(workspaceId)
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + workspaceId
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, header);
return result.workspaces;
* Returns details of the specified view.
* @method getViewDetails
* @param {String} viewId - The ID of the view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {Object} View details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getViewDetails(viewId, config={})
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/views/" + viewId
var header = {};
var result = await this.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, header);
return result.views;
* Returns a new OrgAPI instance.
* @method getOrgInstance
* @param {String} orgId - The ID of the organization.
var orgInstance = new OrgAPI(this, orgId);
return orgInstance;
* Returns a new WorkspaceAPI instance.
* @method getWorkspaceInstance
* @param {String} orgId - The ID of the organization.
* @param {String} workspaceId - The ID of the workspace.
getWorkspaceInstance(orgId, workspaceId)
var workspaceInstance = new WorkspaceAPI(this, orgId, workspaceId);
return workspaceInstance;
* Returns a new ViewAPI instance.
* @method getViewInstance
* @param {String} orgId - The ID of the organization.
* @param {String} workspaceId - The ID of the workspace.
* @param {String} viewId - The ID of the view.
getViewInstance(orgId, workspaceId, viewId)
var viewInstance = new ViewAPI(this, orgId, workspaceId, viewId);
return viewInstance;
* Returns a new BulkAPI instance.
* @method getBulkInstance
* @param {String} orgId - The ID of the organization.
* @param {String} workspaceId - The ID of the workspace.
getBulkInstance(orgId, workspaceId)
var bulkInstance = new BulkAPI(this, orgId, workspaceId);
return bulkInstance;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
async handleBatchImportRequest(uriPath, config, header, filePath, batchSize)
const {EOL} = require('os');
var jobId;
var data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8');
var fileContent = data.split(EOL);
const fileHeader = fileContent.shift() + EOL;
var totalLines = fileContent.length;
var totalBatchCount = Math.ceil(totalLines / batchSize);
config.batchKey = "start";
header['User-Agent'] = 'Analytics NodeJS Client v'+clientVersion;
for (let i = 0; i < totalBatchCount; i++)
let batch = fileContent.slice(batchSize*i, batchSize + (i * batchSize))
batch = fileHeader + batch.join(EOL)
config.isLastBatch = (i == (totalBatchCount - 1))? "true" : "false"
var encodedConfig = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config));
var url = 'https://'+analyticsURI + uriPath + "?" + "CONFIG" + "=" + encodedConfig;
if(this.accessToken == null)
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
var response = await this.sendBatchImportRequest(url, header, batch).catch(async error=>
if(error.errorCode == "8535")
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
response = await this.sendBatchImportRequest(url, header, batch);
throw error;
config.batchKey = response.batchKey;
jobId = response.jobId;
await this.sleep(2000);
return jobId;
sendBatchImportRequest(url, header, batch)
header.Authorization = 'Zoho-oauthtoken ' + this.accessToken;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const formData = {
value: Buffer.from(batch),
options: {
filename: 'batch.csv'
request.post({url:url, headers:header, formData:formData, secureProtocol:'TLSv1_2_method'}, (err, resp, body)=> {
if (err)
let respJSON = (JSON.parse(body));
async handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, header, filePath, data=null)
if(this.accessToken == null)
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
return await this.sendImportRequest(uriPath, config, header, filePath, data).catch(async error=>
if(error.errorCode == "8535")
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
return await this.sendImportRequest(uriPath, config, header, filePath, data);
throw error;
sendImportRequest(uriPath, config, header={}, filePath, data)
header['User-Agent'] = 'Analytics NodeJS Client v'+clientVersion;
header.Authorization = 'Zoho-oauthtoken ' + this.accessToken;
if(config !== null)
var encodedConfig = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config));
var configParam = "CONFIG" + "=" + encodedConfig;
uriPath = uriPath + "?" + configParam;
var url = 'https://'+analyticsURI+uriPath;
if(data !== null)
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// const { Readable } = require("stream")
// const readable = Readable.from(data).then()
let formData = {
'DATA': data
header['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
var req = request.post({url:url, headers:header, formData:formData, secureProtocol:'TLSv1_2_method'}, (err, resp, body)=> {
if (err)
let respJSON = (JSON.parse(body));
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var zohofile = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
zohofile.on('error', err =>{reject(err);});
zohofile.once('readable', function() {
let formData = {
'FILE': zohofile
var req = request.post({url:url, headers:header, formData:formData, secureProtocol:'TLSv1_2_method'}, (err, resp, body)=> {
if (err)
let respJSON = (JSON.parse(body));
async handleExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, config, header)
if(this.accessToken == null)
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
return await this.sendExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, config, header).catch(async error=>
if(error.errorCode == "8535")
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
return await this.sendExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, config, header);
throw error;
sendExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, config, header={})
header['User-Agent'] = 'Analytics NodeJS Client v'+clientVersion;
header.Authorization = 'Zoho-oauthtoken ' + this.accessToken;
if(config !== null)
var encodedConfig = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config));
var configParam = "CONFIG" + "=" + encodedConfig;
uriPath = uriPath + "?" + configParam;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var url = 'https://'+analyticsURI+uriPath;
var req = request.get({url:url,encoding: null,headers:header,secureProtocol: 'TLSv1_2_method'}, (err, resp, body)=> {
if (err)
let respJSON = (JSON.parse(body));
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, body);
async handleV2Request(uriPath, method, config, header, isExportReq = false)
if(this.accessToken == null)
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
return await this.sendV2Request(uriPath, method, config, header, isExportReq).catch(async error=>
if(error.errorCode == "8535")
this.accessToken = await this.getOauth();
return await this.sendV2Request(uriPath, method, config, header, isExportReq);
throw error;
sendV2Request(uriPath, reqMethod, config, header={}, isExportReq = false)
header['User-Agent'] = 'Analytics NodeJS Client v'+clientVersion;
//header.Content-Type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
header.Authorization = 'Zoho-oauthtoken ' + this.accessToken;
if(config !== null && Object.keys(config).length !== 0)
var encodedConfig = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config));
var configParam = "CONFIG" + "=" + encodedConfig;
uriPath = uriPath + "?" + configParam;
//var contentLength = 'Content-Length';
//header[contentLength] = configParam.length;
var options = {
host: analyticsURI,
path: uriPath,
headers: header,
method: reqMethod,
secureProtocol: 'TLSv1_2_method'
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var req = https.request(options, (resp) =>
let data = '';
resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
resp.on('end', () => {
var respCode = (resp.statusCode).toString();
var isRequestFailed = Boolean(!respCode.startsWith('2'));
var hasResponse = Boolean(respCode === '200');
var respJSON = (JSON.parse(data));
else if(isExportReq)
else if(hasResponse)
var respJSON = (JSON.parse(data));
}).on("error", (err) =>
var oauthinfo = {};
oauthinfo.client_id= this.clientId;
oauthinfo.client_secret= this.clientSecret;
oauthinfo.refresh_token= this.refreshToken;
oauthinfo.grant_type= 'refresh_token';
var encodedParams = querystring.stringify(oauthinfo);
var options = {
host: accountsURI,
path: '/oauth/v2/token',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'User-Agent': 'Analytics NodeJS Client v'+clientVersion,
'Content-Length': encodedParams.length
method: "POST",
secureProtocol: 'TLSv1_2_method'
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var req = https.request(options, (resp) => {
let data = '';
// A chunk of data has been recieved.
resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
// The whole response has been received. Print out the result.
resp.on('end', () => {
var respJSON = (JSON.parse(data));
var err = {};
err.errorCode = '0';
err.errorMessage = respJSON.error;
}).on("error", (err) => {
class OrgAPI
constructor(ac, orgId)
this.ac = ac;
this.header = {};
this.header['ZANALYTICS-ORGID'] = orgId;
* Create a blank workspace in the specified organization.
* @method createWorkspace
* @param {String} workspaceName - Name of the workspace.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created workspace id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createWorkspace(workspaceName, config={})
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces";
config.workspaceName = workspaceName;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.workspaceId;
* Returns list of admins for a specified organization.
* @method getAdmins
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {JSONArray} Organization admin list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getAdmins(config={})
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/orgadmins";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.orgAdmins;
* Returns subscription details of the specified organization.
* @method getSubscriptionDetails
* @returns {Object} Subscription details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSubscriptionDetails() {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/subscription";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.subscription;
* Returns resource usage details of the specified organization.
* @method getResourceDetails
* @returns {Object} Resource details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getResourceDetails() {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/resources";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.resourceDetails;
* Returns list of users for the specified organization.
* @method getUsers
* @returns {JSONArray} User list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getUsers() {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/users";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.users;
* Add users to the specified organization.
* @method addUsers
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be added.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addUsers(emailIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/users";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove users from the specified organization.
* @method removeUsers
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be removed.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeUsers(emailIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/users";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Activate users in the specified organization.
* @method activateUsers
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be activated.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async activateUsers(emailIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/users/active";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Deactivate users in the specified organization.
* @method deActivateUsers
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be deactivated.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deActivateUsers(emailIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/users/inactive";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Change role for the specified users.
* @method changeUserRole
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users.
* @param {String} role - New role for the users.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async changeUserRole(emailIds, role, config={}) {
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/users/role";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
config.role = role;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Returns details of the specified workspace/view.
* @method getMetaDetails
* @param {String} workspaceName - Name of the workspace.
* @param {String} viewName - Name of the view. Can be null.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {Object} Workspace (or) View meta details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getMetaDetails(workspaceName, viewName=null, config={})
var uriPath = "/restapi/v2/metadetails";
config.workspaceName = workspaceName;
if(viewName !== null)
config.viewName = viewName;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result;
class WorkspaceAPI
constructor(ac, orgId, workspaceId)
this.ac = ac;
this.uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + workspaceId
this.header = {};
this.header['ZANALYTICS-ORGID'] = orgId;
this.orgId = orgId;
* Copy the specified workspace from one organization to another or within the organization.
* @method copy
* @param {String} workspaceName - Name of the new workspace.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @param {String} destOrgId=null - Id of the organization where the destination workspace is present.
* @returns {String} Copied workspace id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async copy(workspaceName, config={}, destOrgId=null)
config.newWorkspaceName = workspaceName;
var reqHeader = this.header;
if(destOrgId != null)
reqHeader['ZANALYTICS-DEST-ORGID'] = destOrgId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(this.uriPath, "POST", config, reqHeader);
return result.workspaceId;
* Rename a specified workspace in the organization.
* @method rename
* @param {String} workspaceName - New name for the workspace.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async rename(workspaceName, config={})
config.workspaceName = workspaceName;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(this.uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified workspace in the organization.
* @method delete
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async delete(config={})
await this.ac.handleV2Request(this.uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Create a table in the specified workspace.
* @method createTable
* @param {Object} tableDesign - Table structure.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} created table id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createTable(tableDesign, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/tables";
config.tableDesign = tableDesign;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.viewId;
* Create a new query table in the workspace.
* @method createQueryTable
* @param {String} sqlQuery - SQL query to construct the query table.
* @param {String} queryTableName - Name of the query table to be created.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Id of the created query table.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createQueryTable(sqlQuery, queryTableName, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/querytables";
config.sqlQuery = sqlQuery
config.queryTableName = queryTableName
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.viewId;
* Update the mentioned query table in the workspace.
* @method editQueryTable
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the query table to be updated.
* @param {String} sqlQuery - New SQL query to be updated.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async editQueryTable(viewId, sqlQuery, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/querytables/" + viewId;
config.sqlQuery = sqlQuery
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Returns the secret key of the specified workspace.
* @method getSecretKey
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Workspace secret key.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSecretKey(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/secretkey";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.workspaceKey;
* Adds a specified workspace as favorite.
* @method addFavorite
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addFavorite(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/favorite";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove a specified workspace from favorite.
* @method removeFavorite
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeFavorite(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/favorite";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Adds a specified workspace as default.
* @method addDefault
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addDefault(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/default";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove a specified workspace from default.
* @method removeDefault
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeDefault(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/default";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Returns list of admins for the specified workspace.
* @method getAdmins
* @returns {JSONArray} Workspace admin list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getAdmins(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/admins";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.workspaceAdmins;
* Add admins for the specified workspace.
* @method addAdmins
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the admin users to be added.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addAdmins(emailIds, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/admins";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove admins from the specified workspace.
* @method removeAdmins
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the admin users to be removed.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeAdmins(emailIds, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/admins";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Returns shared details of the specified workspace.
* @method getShareInfo
* @returns {Object} Workspace share info.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getShareInfo()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/share";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Share views to the specified users.
* @method shareViews
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - View ids to be shared.
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to whom the views need to be shared.
* @param {Object} permissions - Contains permission details.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async shareViews(viewIds, emailIds, permissions, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/share";
config.viewIds = viewIds;
config.emailIds = emailIds;
config.permissions = permissions;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove shared views for the specified users.
* @method removeShare
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - View ids whose sharing needs to be removed.
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to whom the sharing need to be removed.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeShare(viewIds, emailIds, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/share";
config.viewIds = viewIds;
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Returns shared details of the specified views.
* @method getSharedDetailsForViews
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - The id of the views to be copied.
* @returns {JSONArray} Folder list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSharedDetailsForViews(viewIds)
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/share/shareddetails";
var config = {};
config.viewIds = viewIds;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.sharedDetails;
* Returns list of all accessible folders for the specified workspace.
* @method getFolders
* @returns {JSONArray} Folder list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getFolders()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.folders;
* Create a folder in the specified workspace.
* @method createFolder
* @param {String} folderName - Name of the folder to be created.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created folder id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createFolder(folderName, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders";
config.folderName = folderName;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.folderId;
* Returns list of all accessible views for the specified workspace.
* @method getViews
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {JSONArray} View list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getViews(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/views";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.views;
* Copy the specified views from one workspace to another workspace.
* @method copyViews
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - The id of the views to be copied.
* @param {String} destWorkspaceId - The destination workspace id.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @param {String} destOrgId=null - Id of the organization where the destination workspace is present.
* @returns {JSONArray} View list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async copyViews(viewIds, destWorkspaceId, config={}, destOrgId=null) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/views/copy";
config.viewIds = viewIds;
config.destWorkspaceId = destWorkspaceId;
var reqHeader = this.header;
if(destOrgId != null)
reqHeader['ZANALYTICS-DEST-ORGID'] = destOrgId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, reqHeader);
return result.views;
* Enable workspace to the specified white label domain.
* @method enableDomainAccess
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async enableDomainAccess()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/wlaccess";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", null, this.header);
* Disable workspace from the specified white label domain.
* @method disableDomainAccess
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async disableDomainAccess()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/wlaccess";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Rename a specified folder in the workspace.
* @method renameFolder
* @param {String} folderId - Id of the folder.
* @param {String} folderName - New name for the folder.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async renameFolder(folderId, newFolderName, config={})
config.folderName = newFolderName;
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders/" + folderId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified folder in the workspace.
* @method deleteFolder
* @param {String} folderId - Id of the folder to be deleted.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteFolder(folderId)
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders/" + folderId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Returns list of groups for the specified workspace.
* @method getGroups
* @returns {JSONArray} Group list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getGroups() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.groups;
* Get the details of the specified group.
* @method getGroupDetails
* @param {String} groupId - Id of the group.
* @returns {Object} Details of the specified group.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getGroupDetails(groupId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups/" + groupId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.groups;
* Create a group in the specified workspace.
* @method createGroup
* @param {String} groupName - Name of the group.
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be added to the group.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created group id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createGroup(groupName, emailIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups";
config.groupName = groupName;
config.emailIds = emailIds;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.groupId;
* Rename a specified group.
* @method renameGroup
* @param {String} groupId - Id of the group.
* @param {String} newGroupName - New name for the group.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async renameGroup(groupId, newGroupName, config={}) {
config.groupName = newGroupName;
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups/" + groupId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Add users to the specified group.
* @method addGroupMembers
* @param {String} groupId - Id of the group.
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be added to the group.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addGroupMembers(groupId, emailIds, config={}) {
config.emailIds = emailIds;
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups/" + groupId + "/members";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove users from the specified group.
* @method removeGroupMembers
* @param {String} groupId - Id of the group.
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be removed from the group.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeGroupMembers(groupId, emailIds, config={}) {
config.emailIds = emailIds;
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups/" + groupId + "/members";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified group.
* @method deleteGroup
* @param {String} groupId - The id of the group.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteGroup(groupId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/groups/" + groupId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Create a slideshow in the specified workspace.
* @method createSlideshow
* @param {String} slideName - Name of the slideshow to be created.
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - Ids of the view to be included in the slideshow.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Id of the created slideshow.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createSlideshow(slideName, viewIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/slides";
config.slideName = slideName
config.viewIds = viewIds
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.slideId;
* Update details of the specified slideshow.
* @method updateSlideshow
* @param {String} slideId - The id of the slideshow.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control configurations
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateSlideshow(slideId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/slides/" + slideId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified slideshow in the workspace.
* @method deleteSlideshow
* @param {String} slideId - Id of the slideshow.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteSlideshow(slideId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/slides/" + slideId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Returns list of slideshows for the specified workspace.
* @method getSlideshows
* @returns {JSONArray} Slideshow list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSlideshows() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/slides";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.slideshows;
* Returns slide URL to access the specified slideshow.
* @method getSlideshowUrl
* @param {String} slideId - Id of the slideshow.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control configurations
* @returns {String} Slideshow URL.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSlideshowUrl(slideId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/slides/" + slideId + "/publish";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.slideUrl;
* Returns details of the specified slideshow.
* @method getSlideshowDetails
* @param {String} slideId - Id of the slideshow.
* @returns {Object} Slideshow details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getSlideshowDetails(slideId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/slides/" + slideId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.slideInfo;
* Create a variable in the workspace.
* @method createVariable
* @param {String} variableName - Name of the variable to be created.
* @param {Number} variableName - Datatype of the variable to be created.
* @param {Number} variableName - Type of the variable to be created.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control attributes.
* @returns {String} Id of the created variable.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createVariable(variableName, variableDataType, variableType, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/variables";
config.variableName = variableName
config.variableDataType = variableDataType
config.variableType = variableType
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.variableId;
* Update details of the specified variable in the workspace.
* @method updateVariable
* @param {String} variableId - Id of the variable.
* @param {String} variableName - New name for the variable.
* @param {Number} variableName - New datatype for the variable.
* @param {Number} variableName - New type for the variable.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateVariable(variableId, variableName, variableDataType, variableType, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/variables/" + variableId;
config.variableName = variableName
config.variableDataType = variableDataType
config.variableType = variableType
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified variable in the workspace.
* @method deleteVariable
* @param {String} variableId - Id of the variable.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteVariable(variableId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/variables/" + variableId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Returns list of variables for the specified workspace.
* @method getVariables
* @returns {JSONArray} Variable list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getVariables() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/variables";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.variables;
* Returns details of the specified variable.
* @method getVariableDetails
* @param {String} variableId - Id of the variable.
* @returns {Object} Variable details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getVariableDetails(variableId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/variables/" + variableId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Make the specified folder as default.
* @method makeDefaultFolder
* @param {String} folderId - Id of the folder.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async makeDefaultFolder(folderId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders/" + folderId + "/default";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", null, this.header);
* Returns list of datasources for the specified workspace.
* @method getDatasources
* @returns {JSONArray} Datasource list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getDatasources() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/datasources";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.dataSources;
* Initiate data sync for the specified datasource.
* @method syncData
* @param {String} datasourceId - Id of the datasource.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async syncData(datasourceId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/datasources/" + datasourceId + "/sync";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Update connection details for the specified datasource.
* @method updateDatasourceConnection
* @param {String} datasourceId - Id of the datasource.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateDatasourceConnection(datasourceId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/datasources/" + datasourceId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Returns list of all views available in trash for the specified workspace.
* @method getTrashViews
* @returns {JSONArray} Trash view list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getTrashViews() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/trash";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.views;
* Restore the specified view from trash.
* @method restoreTrashView
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async restoreTrashView(viewId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/trash/" + viewId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Delete the specified view permanently from trash.
* @method deleteTrashView
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteTrashView(viewId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/trash/" + viewId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Swaps the hierarchy of a parent folder and a subfolder.
* @method changeFolderHierarchy
* @param {String} folderId - Id of the folder.
* @param {Number} hierarchy - New hierarchy for the folder. (0 - Parent; 1 - Child).
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async changeFolderHierarchy(folderId, hierarchy, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders/" + folderId + "/move";
config.hierarchy = hierarchy;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Place the folder above the reference folder.
* @method changeFolderPosition
* @param {String} folderId - Id of the folder.
* @param {String} referenceFolderId - Id of the reference folder.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async changeFolderPosition(folderId, referenceFolderId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/folders/" + folderId + "/reorder";
config.referenceFolderId = referenceFolderId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Move views to the mentioned folder.
* @method moveViewsToFolder
* @param {String} folderId - Id of the folder.
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - View ids to be moved.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async moveViewsToFolder(folderId, viewIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/views/movetofolder";
config.folderId = folderId;
config.viewIds = viewIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Export the mentioned views as templates.
* @method exportAsTemplate
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - Ids of the view to be exported.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file where the data exported to be stored. ( Should be in 'atpt' format )
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async exportAsTemplate(viewIds, filePath, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/template/data";
config.viewIds = viewIds;
await this.ac.handleExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, config, this.header);
* Returns list of users for the specified workspace.
* @method getWorkspaceUsers
* @returns {JSONArray} User list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getWorkspaceUsers() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/users";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.users;
* Add users to the specified workspace.
* @method addWorkspaceUsers
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be added.
* @param {String} role - Role for the users to be added.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addWorkspaceUsers(emailIds, role, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/users";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
config.role = role;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove users from the specified workspace.
* @method removeWorkspaceUsers
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users to be removed.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeWorkspaceUsers(emailIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/users";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Change users staus in the specified workspace.
* @method changeWorkspaceUserStatus
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users.
* @param {String} operation - New status for the users ( Values - activate | deactivate )
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async changeWorkspaceUserStatus(emailIds, operation, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/users/status";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
config.operation = operation;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Change role for the specified users.
* @method changeWorkspaceUserRole
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The email address of the users.
* @param {String} role - New role for the users.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async changeWorkspaceUserRole(emailIds, role, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/users/role";
config.emailIds = emailIds;
config.role = role;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Returns list of email schedules available in the specified workspace.
* @method getEmailSchedules
* @returns {JSONArray} List of email schedules.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getEmailSchedules() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/emailschedules";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.emailSchedules;
* Create an email schedule in the specified workspace.
* @method createEmailSchedule
* @param {String} scheduleName - Name of the email schedule.
* @param {JSONArray} viewIds - View ids to be mailed.
* @param {String} format - The format in which the data has to be mailed.
* @param {JSONArray} emailIds - The recipients' email addresses for sending views.
* @param {Object} scheduleDetails - Contains schedule frequency, date, and time info.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created email schedule id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createEmailSchedule(scheduleName, viewIds, format, emailIds, scheduleDetails, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/emailschedules";
config.scheduleName = scheduleName;
config.viewIds = viewIds;
config.exportType = format;
config.emailIds = emailIds;
config.scheduleDetails = scheduleDetails;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.scheduleId;
* Update configurations of the specified email schedule in the workspace.
* @method updateEmailSchedule
* @param {String} scheduleId - Id for the email schedule.
* @param {Object} config - Contains the control configurations.
* @returns {String} Updated email schedule id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateEmailSchedule(scheduleId, config) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/emailschedules/" + scheduleId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
return result.scheduleId;
* Trigger configured email schedules instantly.
* @method triggerEmailSchedule
* @param {String} scheduleId - Id for the email schedule.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async triggerEmailSchedule(scheduleId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/emailschedules/" + scheduleId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", null, this.header);
* Update email schedule status.
* @method changeEmailScheduleStatus
* @param {String} scheduleId - Id for the email schedule.
* @param {String} operation - New status for the schedule ( Values - activate | deactivate )
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async changeEmailScheduleStatus(scheduleId, operation) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/emailschedules/" + scheduleId + "/status";
var config = { operation: operation };
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete the specified email schedule in the workspace.
* @method deleteEmailSchedule
* @param {String} scheduleId - Id for the email schedule.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteEmailSchedule(scheduleId) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/emailschedules/" + scheduleId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Returns list of all aggregate formulas for the specified workspace.
* @method getAggregateFormulas
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {JSONArray} Aggregate formula list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getAggregateFormulas(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.aggregateFormulas;
* Returns list of all dependent views and formulas for the specified aggregate formula.
* @method getAggregateFormulaDependents
* @param {String} folmulaId - Id of the aggregate formula.
* @returns {JSONObject} Dependent details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getAggregateFormulaDependents(folmulaId)
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas/" + formulaId + "/dependents";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Returns the value of the aggregate formula.
* @method getAggregateFormulaValue
* @param {String} folmulaId - Id of the aggregate formula.
* @returns {String} Aggregate formula value.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getAggregateFormulaValue(folmulaId)
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas/" + formulaId + "/value";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.formulaValue;
* Create a report in the specified workspace.
* @method createReport
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control attributes.
* @returns {String} Id of the created view.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createReport(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/reports";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.viewId;
* Update the design and configuration of the specified report.
* @method updateReport
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateReport(viewId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/reports/" + viewId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
class ViewAPI
constructor(ac, orgId, workspaceId, viewId)
this.ac = ac;
this.uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + workspaceId + "/views/" + viewId
this.header = {};
this.header['ZANALYTICS-ORGID'] = orgId;
* Rename a specified view in the workspace.
* @method rename
* @param {String} viewName - New name of the view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async rename(viewName, config={}) {
config.viewName = viewName;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(this.uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified view in the workspace.
* @method delete
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async delete(config={}) {
await this.ac.handleV2Request(this.uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Copy a specified view within the workspace.
* @method saveAs
* @param {String} newViewName - The name of the new view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Newly created view id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async saveAs(newViewName, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/saveas";
config.viewName = newViewName;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.viewId;
* Copy the specified formulas from one table to another within the workspace or across workspaces.
* @method copyFormulas
* @param {JSONArray} formulaNames - The name of the formula columns to be copied.
* @param {String} destWorkspaceId - The ID of the destination workspace.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @param {String} destOrgId=null - Id of the organization where the destination workspace is present.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async copyFormulas(formulaNames, destWorkspaceId, config={}, destOrgId=null) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/formulas/copy";
config.formulaColumnNames = formulaNames;
config.destWorkspaceId = destWorkspaceId;
var reqHeader = this.header;
if(destOrgId != null)
reqHeader['ZANALYTICS-DEST-ORGID'] = destOrgId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, reqHeader);
* Adds a specified view as favorite.
* @method addFavorite
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addFavorite(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/favorite";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove a specified view from favorite.
* @method removeFavorite
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeFavorite(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/favorite";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Create reports for the specified table based on the reference table.
* @method createSimilarViews
* @param {String} refViewId - The ID of the reference view.
* @param {String} folderId - The folder id where the views to be saved.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createSimilarViews(refViewId, folderId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/similarviews";
config.referenceViewId = refViewId;
config.folderId = folderId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Auto generate reports for the specified table.
* @method autoAnalyse
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async autoAnalyse(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/autoanalyse";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Returns permissions for the specified view.
* @method removeShare
* @returns {Object} Permission details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getMyPermissions()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/share/userpermissions";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.permissions;
* Returns the URL to access the specified view.
* @method getViewUrl
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} View URL.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getViewUrl(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.viewUrl;
* Returns embed URL to access the specified view.
* @method getEmbedUrl
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Embed URL.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getEmbedUrl(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/embed";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.embedUrl;
* Returns private URL to access the specified view.
* @method getPrivateUrl
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Private URL.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getPrivateUrl(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/privatelink";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.privateUrl;
* Create a private URL for the specified view.
* @method createPrivateUrl
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Private URL.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async createPrivateUrl(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/privatelink";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.privateUrl;
* Remove private link access for the specified view.
* @method removePrivateAccess
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removePrivateAccess() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/privatelink";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Make the specified view publically accessible.
* @method makeViewPublic
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Public URL.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async makeViewPublic(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/public";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.publicUrl;
* Remove public access for the specified view.
* @method removePublicAccess
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removePublicAccess() {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/public";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", null, this.header);
* Returns publish configurations for the specified view.
* @method getPublishConfigurations
* @returns {Object} Publish details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getPublishConfigurations()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/config";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Update publish configurations for the specified view.
* @method updatePublishConfigurations
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the required control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updatePublishConfigurations(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/publish/config";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Add a column in the specified table.
* @method addColumn
* @param {String} columnName - The name of the column.
* @param {String} dataType - The data-type of the column.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created column id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addColumn(columnName, dataType, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns";
config.columnName = columnName;
config.dataType = dataType;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.columnId;
* Hide the specified columns in the table.
* @method hideColumns
* @param {JSONArray} columnIds - Ids of the columns to be hidden.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async hideColumns(columnIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/hide";
config.columnIds = columnIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Show the specified hidden columns in the table.
* @method showColumns
* @param {JSONArray} columnIds - Ids of the columns to be shown.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async showColumns(columnIds, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/show";
config.columnIds = columnIds;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Add a single row in the specified table.
* @method addRow
* @param {Object} columnValues - Contains the values for the row. The column names are the key.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {Object} Column Names and Added Row Values.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addRow(columnValues, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/rows";
config.columns = columnValues;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result;
* Update rows in the specified table.
* @method updateRow
* @param {Object} columnValues - Contains the values for the row. The column names are the key.
* @param {String} criteria - The criteria to be applied for updating data. Only rows matching the criteria will be updated. Should be null for update all rows.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {Object} Updated Columns List and Updated Rows Count.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateRow(columnValues, criteria, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/rows";
config.columns = columnValues;
if(criteria != null && criteria.length>0)
config.criteria = criteria;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
return result;
* Delete rows in the specified table.
* @method deleteRow
* @param {String} criteria - The criteria to be applied for deleting data. Only rows matching the criteria will be deleted. Should be null for delete all rows.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {int} Deleted rows count.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteRow(criteria, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/rows";
if(criteria != null && criteria.length>0)
config.criteria = criteria;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
return result.deletedRows;
* Rename a specified column in the table.
* @method renameColumn
* @param {String} columnId - Id of the column.
* @param {String} newColumnName - New name for the column.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async renameColumn(columnId, newColumnName, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/" + columnId;
config.columnName = newColumnName;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete a specified column in the table.
* @method deleteColumn
* @param {String} columnId - Id of the column.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteColumn(columnId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/" + columnId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Add a lookup in the specified child table.
* @method addLookup
* @param {String} columnId - Id of the column.
* @param {String} refViewId - The id of the table contains the parent column.
* @param {String} refColumnId - The id of the parent column.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addLookup(columnId, refViewId, refColumnId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/" + columnId + "/lookup";
config.referenceViewId = refViewId;
config.referenceColumnId = refColumnId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Remove the lookup for the specified column in the table.
* @method removeLookup
* @param {String} columnId - Id of the column.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async removeLookup(columnId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/" + columnId + "/lookup";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Auto generate reports for the specified column.
* @method autoAnalyseColumn
* @param {String} columnId - Id of the column.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async autoAnalyseColumn(columnId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/" + columnId + "/autoanalyse";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Sync data from available datasource for the specified view.
* @method refetchData
* @param {String} viewName - New name of the view.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async refetchData(config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/sync";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
* Returns last import details of the specified view.
* @method getLastImportDetails
* @returns {int} Last import details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getLastImportDetails()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/importdetails";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Returns list of all formula columns for the specified table.
* @method getFormulaColumns
* @returns {JSONArray} Formula column list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getFormulaColumns()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/formulacolumns";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.formulaColumns;
* Add a formula column in the specified table.
* @method addFormulaColumn
* @param {String} formulaName - Name of the formula column to be created.
* @param {String} expression - Formula expression.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created formula column id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addFormulaColumn(formulaName, expression, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/formulacolumns";
config.formulaName = formulaName;
config.expression = expression;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.formulaId;
* Edit the specified formula column.
* @method editFormulaColumn
* @param {String} formulaId - Id of the formula column to be updated.
* @param {String} expression - Formula expression.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async editFormulaColumn(formulaId, expression, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/formulacolumns/" + formulaId;
config.expression = expression;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete the specified formula column.
* @method deleteFormulaColumn
* @param {String} formulaId - Id of the formula column to be deleted.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteFormulaColumn(formulaId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/formulacolumns/" + formulaId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Returns list of all aggregate formulas for the specified table.
* @method getAggregateFormulas
* @returns {JSONArray} Aggregate formula list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getAggregateFormulas()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.aggregateFormulas;
* Add a aggregate formula in the specified table.
* @method addAggregateFormula
* @param {String} formulaName - Name of the aggregate formula to be created.
* @param {String} expression - Formula expression.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @returns {String} Created aggregate formula id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async addAggregateFormula(formulaName, expression, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas";
config.formulaName = formulaName;
config.expression = expression;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "POST", config, this.header);
return result.formulaId;
* Edit the specified aggregate formula.
* @method editAggregateFormula
* @param {String} formulaId - Id of the aggregate formula to be updated.
* @param {String} expression - Formula expression.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async editAggregateFormula(formulaId, expression, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas/" + formulaId;
config.expression = expression;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
* Delete the specified aggregate formula.
* @method deleteAggregateFormula
* @param {String} formulaId - Id of the aggregate formula to be deleted.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async deleteAggregateFormula(formulaId, config={}) {
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/aggregateformulas/" + formulaId;
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "DELETE", config, this.header);
* Returns list of dependents views for the specified view.
* @method getViewDependents
* @returns {JSONArray} Dependent view list.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getViewDependents()
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/dependents";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result.views;
* Returns list of dependents views and formulas for the specified column.
* @method getColumnDependents
* @param {String} columnId - Id of the column.
* @returns {JSONObject} Dependent details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getColumnDependents(columnId)
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/columns/" + columnId + "/dependents";
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Update shared details of the specified view.
* @method updateSharedDetails
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains the control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async updateSharedDetails(config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/share";
await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "PUT", config, this.header);
class BulkAPI
constructor(ac, orgId, workspaceId)
this.ac = ac;
this.uriPath = "/restapi/v2/workspaces/" + workspaceId
this.bulkUriPath = "/restapi/v2/bulk/workspaces/" + workspaceId
this.header = {};
this.header['ZANALYTICS-ORGID'] = orgId;
* Create a new table and import the data contained in the mentioned file into the created table.
* @method importDataInNewTable
* @param {String} tableName - Name of the new table to be created.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file to be imported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {JSONObject} Import result.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importDataInNewTable(tableName, fileType, autoIdentify, filePath, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/data";
config.tableName = tableName;
config.fileType = fileType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, filePath);
return result;
* Create a new table and import the raw data provided into the created table.
* @method importRawDataInNewTable
* @param {String} tableName - Name of the new table to be created.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} data - Raw data to be imported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {JSONObject} Import result.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importRawDataInNewTable(tableName, fileType, autoIdentify, data, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/data";
config.tableName = tableName;
config.fileType = fileType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, null, data);
return result;
* Import the data contained in the mentioned file into the table.
* @method importData
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view where the data to be imported.
* @param {String} importType - The type of import. Can be one of - append, truncateadd, updateadd.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file to be imported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {JSONObject} Import result.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importData(viewId, importType, fileType, autoIdentify, filePath, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/views/" + viewId + "/data";
config.importType = importType;
config.fileType = fileType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, filePath);
return result;
* Import the raw data provided into the table.
* @method importRawData
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view where the data to be imported.
* @param {String} importType - The type of import. Can be one of - append, truncateadd, updateadd.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} data - Raw data to be imported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {JSONObject} Import result.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importRawData(viewId, importType, fileType, autoIdentify, data, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/views/" + viewId + "/data";
config.importType = importType;
config.fileType = fileType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, null, data);
return result;
* Asynchronously create a new table and import the data contained in the mentioned file into the created table.
* @method importBulkDataInNewTable
* @param {String} tableName - Name of the new table to be created.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file to be imported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {String} Import job id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importBulkDataInNewTable(tableName, fileType, autoIdentify, filePath, config={})
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/data";
config.tableName = tableName;
config.fileType = fileType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, filePath);
return result.jobId;
* Create a new table and import the data contained in the mentioned file into the created table.
* @method importDataInNewTableAsBatches
* @param {String} tableName - Name of the new table to be created.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file to be imported.
* @param {Number} batchSize - Number of lines per batch.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {JSONObject} Import result.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importDataInNewTableAsBatches(tableName, autoIdentify, filePath, batchSize, config={})
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/data/batch";
config.tableName = tableName;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleBatchImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, filePath, batchSize);
return result;
* Asynchronously import the data contained in the mentioned file into the table.
* @method importBulkDataAsBatches
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view where the data to be imported.
* @param {String} importType - The type of import. Can be one of - append, truncateadd, updateadd.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file to be imported.
* @param {Number} batchSize - Number of lines per batch.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {String} Import job id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importBulkDataAsBatches(viewId, importType, autoIdentify, filePath, batchSize, config={})
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/views/" + viewId + "/data/batch";
config.importType = importType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleBatchImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, filePath, batchSize);
return result;
* Asynchronously import the data contained in the mentioned file into the table.
* @method importBulkData
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view where the data to be imported.
* @param {String} importType - The type of import. Can be one of - append, truncateadd, updateadd.
* @param {String} fileType - Type of the file to be imported.
* @param {String} autoIdentify - Used to specify whether to auto identify the CSV format. Allowable values - true/false.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file to be imported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {String} Import job id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async importBulkData(viewId, importType, fileType, autoIdentify, filePath, config={})
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/views/" + viewId + "/data";
config.importType = importType;
config.fileType = fileType;
config.autoIdentify = autoIdentify;
var result = await this.ac.handleImportRequest(uriPath, config, this.header, filePath);
return result.jobId;
* Returns the details of the import job.
* @method getImportJobDetails
* @param {String} jobId - Id of the job.
* @return {JSONObject} Import job details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getImportJobDetails(jobId)
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/importjobs/" + jobId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Export the mentioned table (or) view data.
* @method exportData
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view to be exported.
* @param {String} responseFormat - The format in which the data is to be exported.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file where the data exported to be stored.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async exportData(viewId, responseFormat, filePath, config={})
var uriPath = this.uriPath + "/views/" + viewId + "/data";
config.responseFormat = responseFormat;
await this.ac.handleExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, config, this.header);
* Initiate asynchronous export for the mentioned table (or) view data.
* @method initiateBulkExport
* @param {String} viewId - Id of the view to be exported.
* @param {String} responseFormat - The format in which the data is to be exported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {String} Export job id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async initiateBulkExport(viewId, responseFormat, config={})
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/views/" + viewId + "/data";
config.responseFormat = responseFormat;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.jobId;
* Initiate asynchronous export with the given SQL Query.
* @method initiateBulkExportUsingSQL
* @param {String} sqlQuery - The SQL Query whose output is exported.
* @param {String} responseFormat - The format in which the data is to be exported.
* @param {Object} config={} - Contains any additional control attributes.
* @return {String} Export job id.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async initiateBulkExportUsingSQL(sqlQuery, responseFormat, config={})
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/data";
config.sqlQuery = sqlQuery;
config.responseFormat = responseFormat;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", config, this.header);
return result.jobId;
* Returns the details of the export job.
* @method getExportJobDetails
* @param {String} jobId - Id of the export job.
* @return {JSONObject} Export job details.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async getExportJobDetails(jobId)
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/exportjobs/" + jobId;
var result = await this.ac.handleV2Request(uriPath, "GET", null, this.header);
return result;
* Download the exported data for the mentioned job id.
* @method exportBulkData
* @param {String} jobId - Id of the job to be exported.
* @param {String} filePath - Path of the file where the data exported to be stored.
* @throws {Error} If the request failed due to some error.
async exportBulkData(jobId, filePath)
var uriPath = this.bulkUriPath + "/exportjobs/" + jobId + "/data";
await this.ac.handleExportRequest(uriPath, filePath, null, this.header);
module.exports = AnalyticsClient;